November 23, 2020


Brooke Darshana celebrates 50th Birthday

The Arkansas-born supermodel has ruled runways and international sandy beaches since she landed in the Hawaiian Islands almost three decades ago celebrates her birthday today. Wherever she’s traveled it is her pursuit of natural history, zoology and marine biology but mostly her encounters with critters along the way that has lit up her contagious smile as well as those around her.

Having worked with a wide variety of scientists, explorers, indigenous people and leaders in wellness and regenerative solutions her journeys have taken her around the globe exploring the world's oceans and the intersection of humanity and the natural world. She has lived at sea for over 15 years, logging over 100,000 'blue water' sea miles in the quest of deepening the understanding of human and planetary flourishing.

Her current job as sanctuary director has her supervising the local wildlife around Bonita Cove. This includes a parliament of great horned owls (that raptly serenade her at night), a herd of yard mule deer (who have unanimously agreed to join her constituency), a gaze of raccoon (with a momma who despite being relocated to a nearby wooded area from under Brooke’s house continues to visit - meticulously inspecting unattended trash cans), a harem of seals (that bark, honk, moan, sneeze and guard her as she supervises from the cliffs above them), a band of coyotes (though initially hesitant know better than to question her authority as she walks through)  and a shy but flirtatious fox.

Other projects include writing a follow up to her recent best seller, Aligning with Purpose, and where (cleverly disguised as a responsible adult) she designs and orchestrates the development of Dollar Donation Club eliciting the group’s creativity and participation in advancing the careers of aspiring companies focused on planetary regeneration.